What quality assurance does Winnona Partners provide?

When it comes to software, quality of the application is the most important aspect of your project. You don’t want some slow, confusing, buggy application. All it takes is one bad experience and people will delete your application or refuse to use it ever again.

The stakes have never been higher, so having a quality application is absolutely crucial in order for you to find success in the tech space. Fortunately, we’re well aware of these issues, and ready to deliver!

100% Crash-free rate upon Release

On average, Winnona Partners apps have a 99%+ crash-free rate from the first version release onward. We conduct thorough testing to ensure that potential bugs or crashes are solved before going live on the App Store or Google Play. This includes testing on several in-house devices that we have exclusively for testing purposes, as well as the desktop simulators and other automated testing services provided by Amazon.

In the event that bugs or crashes occur, we will solve the issue and push an app update ASAP during the warranty period. Our firm prides itself on developing high-quality technology that works as flawlessly as possible on all device types.