How is pricing determined?

If you’ve come up with an idea for an app or business software project, one of the first things you’ll want to know is how much will it cost to develop. The answer totally depends on what problem you’re trying to solve, and what features and functionality will be the best way to solve it!

To be clear, our team is capable of developing top-of-the-line, sophisticated software for organizations large and small. However, we believe in following a lean methodology, which saves clients money and streamlines development.

Moreover, many clients have a set budget in mind for what they’re willing to spend on a project. Therefore, our development approach can adapt based on whatever the you’re willing to invest in the project.

Step by Step Process

Step 1: Consultation

Are we the right team for you? Is this a suitable project for us? These are the kinds of initial questions we’ll both want to agree upon before moving forward.

Step 2: Analysis

After some initial conversations, our team conducts thorough due diligence to analyze the necessary features, their complexity, the number of app or web pages, and the estimated amount of time it will take to develop your project.

In order to conduct this due diligence, we need a few things from you:

Analysis is the most important stage of the development process, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Most projects fail because people try to rush development rather than coming up with a careful approach.

We like to win, and we like working with clients who like to win also. Taking the time to understand your business, the problem you’re trying to solve, and a smart development approach increases your chance for success!

Step 3. Calculating Cost & Avoiding Technical Debt

Once we calculate the time and complexity of your app project, pricing will be determined and presented in a Statement of Work.

Winnona Partners offers the highest quality custom software development for the most competitive rate possible. Our goal with pricing and analysis is to help you avoid technical debt.

Making or saving you money with software we build is our priority, and therefore we will always choose features that are deemed absolutely necessary and cost-effective to get good results.

We’re always happy to discuss our pricing in detail with you. We’re also flexible when it comes to paying for features in weekly or monthly installments depending on the scope of work.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us today!